Wednesday, December 3, 2008

If You Care the Slightest...

... this has been my life the past three months.

Saw a girl off to NYC
Bought a plane ticket to NYC
Did not get to go to NYC
Saw an amazing, poignant musical performance
Worked in a garage, unrelated to auto repair
Bought a plane ticket to Portland
Did not get to go to Portland
Planned a school bus adventure
Sold off all of my Irish low whistles
Paid off every debt I owed
Reduced my possessions to fit into just over four boxes
Camped in 28 degree weather in the Smokey Mountains
Pitched a web show idea to a TV network
Kept planning that school bus adventure
Bought another ticket to Portland
Bought the most expensive set of tires for my car
Helped pull out an engine from a Firebird
Chopped stolen firewood
Took a dog to the pound
Retreated to Florida to avoid cold weather and boredom
Ate Chipotle again
Annoyed a friend in California too often
Flew back to Tennessee for Thanksgiving
Saw a child walk on his own. Finally.
Bought a Storm
Played pool for the first time in ages
Got this head cold
Did not use that ticket to Portland. Yet.

All while wondering about that first item.

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