Tuesday, January 27, 2009

You Always Hurt the Ones Who Love You Most

I think I get really bummed out when I hear, read, see or even just realize someone is doing something so very ignorant. Not just ignorant in the sense of answering a question incorrectly or failing to yield to pedestrians. More like when someone does exactly the opposite of what they say they want to do. They talk this talk about making changes or wishing the best for themselves, and then the next thing you know, they're taking steps away from what is necessary to bring about the best for themselves. Or, as in the case of what brought this train of thought on, they destroy themselves without even wanting to get better.
I don't get bummed for just them either. I get bummed for all of us. We are all subject to doing these idiotic things, and most of us are pros at doing them. I guess maybe it's a hopelessness for humanity. When you see people make the same mistakes over and over it begins to take away hope you have for them/us. When I see myself make the same mistakes over and over, it begins to sink in that I'm doing the same thing that I hate to see in others.

I made the mistake of watching a TV show called Intervention. It's pretty much about what you'd think it's about.
This kid on the episode grew up under horrible conditions and allowed his upbringing, or lack thereof, and his young brother's death to destroy his life. He was/is an insane alcoholic. The whole first of the show I felt bad for him and they did a good job of setting up the reason why he is the way he is. Then, towards the second half I began to see that he lost control and didn't care to loose control. I began to feel less sorry for him and more saddened that he lost hope, couldn't die, milked his problem for attention, and continued to self destruct while friends and family watched on. In the end, he agrees to go to rehab and straighten things out, and according to the show is sober now.

Anyway, it got me thinking about all the people I know living life like this kid. Maybe they're not drinking hand sanitizer b/c it has alcohol in it, but they mimic him to lesser degrees. And just like his family and friends to him, there's nothing I can really do but watch or turn away.

I did take away a good feeling though. This kids extended family and friends were there for him. It seems that no matter how bad you keep screwing up, someone loves and cares for you.

Maybe I won't watch that show again.


jessica said...

do you need an intervention.

Israel said...

Haha! Probably.

Actually, I don't feel as dark as this post these days.

Jecholia said...

I think you hit the nail on the head when you speak about humanities hopelessness. It seems simple, but this is why we need a Savior. Because you are right humanity IS hopeless. And we do the things we don't want to do and the things we do want to do we don't. Paul knew this well (Romans 7:15). We cannot change in our own effort. You made wise observations.

a.e. nee said...

I can relate to your feelings of frustration in this post. I feel that way often when I hear peoples stories where I work, when I watch friends make bad decisions, or when I make the same mistake I swore I'd learned from the last time.

Something that's helpful to me though is to recognize that we do have control over, if nothing else, how we respond to a situation, or another person, or ourselves. It's amazing how much power a person has over his/her own mind, and more amazing still how seldom we utilize this power simply because we assume that what comes naturally is what is.

Even more helpful is to watch people, through tremendous effort and diligence, actually change their lives. People who lived through situations I would struggle even to bring myself to name. These people inspire me. They teach me to have an open mind and compassion, but also that having a soft-heart and understanding mind doesn't mean making excuses; not for others, and not for myself. Excuses leave a person as the hopeless helpless victim of their own weaknesses or unfortunate experiences. Respect implies and expectation of responsibility and change. It hopes. Hope does not demand that expectations are met, but believes in possibilities. I heard a quote once that has always stuck with me, "to love someone is to hope in him always," but that is perhaps another story.

Oh my, now I'm wandering off in a multitude of tangents and probably bordering on preachiness. You must have hit a chord because I've rambled way beyond blog comment etiquette!