Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Late Summer, Late Morning: Cades Cove in The Great Smokey Mountains National Park

After a weekend trip to the Smokies, Cara packed up most of her belongings and I took her to the airport today. It hasn't sunk in yet, but I bet in a week I'll be ready to move to New York and live on the streets.
I have had a blast in and around this stupid town with her. Our reuniting is in my hands once again.

Even though these lyrics are darker than her parting really is, they still seem to fit.

My old man always swore that hell would have no flame
Just a front row seat
To watch your true love pack her things and drive away

1 comment:

canyon said...

Do I dare believe and let love lead my life
Could I not believe and leave that love behind?
Do I dare believe and let love lead my life
Could I not believe and leave that love behind?

You ask me if I'm faithful
You ask me if I'm true
I answer with a question
'cause its all that I can do

Do I dare believe and let love lead my life
Could I not believe and leave that love behind?
Do I dare believe and let love lead my life
Could I not believe and leave that love behind?

I don't have all the answers
I can't explain it all
I'm not sure where I'm going
But I think I hear a call
david wilcox

hang in there brother...